Ah, that Welsh bastard, taking all of our snakes. They'd come back for the northeast counties. Whatever that means. According to Wiki, "snakes" is a form of what them liberals call "symbolism:"
"Pious legend credits Patrick with banishing snakes from the island, though post-glacial Ireland never actually had snakes;[37] one suggestion is that snakes referred to the serpent symbolism of the Druids of that time and place, as shown for instance on coins minted in Gaul (see Carnutes), or that it could have referred to beliefs such as Pelagianism, symbolized as 'serpents'."
That's too bad. As you may or may not know, druids are an excellent utility class, with minimal healing powers as well as the ability to turn into a bear. Also, as you may know, bears rule.
Down with St. Patrick's Day.