

I have made the realization that anywhere I go, I am wirelessly tethered. I can be texted at any moment, and I am on my laptop for hours everyday.

There is no analog space.

We are all digital.

Reading is still fun.

Dear Sirs and Madames,

Eric Alterman would like to let you know how our country will unravel:

At least read to the first break, please.



Words are fun.


1. syphilis: a common venereal disease caused by the treponema pallidum spirochete; symptoms change through progressive stages; can be congenital ...

2. a contagious disease characterized by purulent skin eruptions that may leave pock marks

3. Pox is a liquor commonly used for ceremonial purposes among the Mayans of Mexico and Central America. It is made of sugarcane and is known in Spanish as aguardiente (Maffi 1996). The word pox in Tztotzil means "medicine, cane liquor, cure. ...

Ivan Illych is Dead, But You're Not

The Big Read. I love it. Great-great grandson of the Master at the Alice Campball center this Sunday at 5 pm. I am stoked.

Wisdom, as per le WK

I don't care what you say
And I won't hit the hay
I don't know what you do
But I know I'm not you

Food for Thought

"When we look into the sky, we see the same sky the Sumerians saw 3000 years ago," - Stephen Levy, astronomy writer and guest speaker in my journ lecture today.



Minimal Content, Yes!

Like a technological monk, I must prostrate myself before Google, Gmail and Blogger (the Unholy Trinity) every evening.


Further evidence of our shared post-modern existence:

We live through references. Movies we make reference one another non-stop.

"My name is legion," he says, "for we are many"

Self as Brand

Is your resume, your web presence, all of this; the creation of You, the brand?

Is this branding a product of the post-capitalist society?

You've at least skimmed No Logo. What do you think?


March Madness Observation

So if you've been watching the basketball festivities, you've undoubtedly seen the fresh, hip State Farm "dot" commercials. Pretty good soft sell, "Oh I can relate to this!" campaign.

There's one problem: The friendly father whose daughter is learning to drive, "Oh my baby is learning to drive!" is Krazee Eyez Killa. Wanda Sykes' cheating fiance from Curb Your Enthusiasm. I keep thinking he's going to either kill a bitch or eat some...

You can figure it out.


The Raw Shark Text

In what will be a hideously boring "live-blog," I will be conducting a sort of chronological review of Steven Hall's The Raw Shark Texts.

The book is one of fractured narrative. I am a mere 25 pages in. Thus far, it rules pretty hard. A SFChron review describes it as Melville meets Crichton (ick) or Pynchon meets Adams (sweet).

St Patty's

Ah, that Welsh bastard, taking all of our snakes. They'd come back for the northeast counties. Whatever that means. According to Wiki, "snakes" is a form of what them liberals call "symbolism:"

"Pious legend credits Patrick with banishing snakes from the island, though post-glacial Ireland never actually had snakes;[37] one suggestion is that snakes referred to the serpent symbolism of the Druids of that time and place, as shown for instance on coins minted in Gaul (see Carnutes), or that it could have referred to beliefs such as Pelagianism, symbolized as 'serpents'."

That's too bad. As you may or may not know, druids are an excellent utility class, with minimal healing powers as well as the ability to turn into a bear. Also, as you may know, bears rule.

Down with St. Patrick's Day.